Ferreira da Silva - Importação e Exportação, S.A.
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The scientific name of the species is Prunus persica.

The name is a reference to the large-scale cultivation of the species in Iran (ancient Persia) during ancient times. It was transplanted from Iran to Europe. The Romans called the peach malus persicum or “Persia apple”; indeed, that Latin name was the origin not only of the Portuguese words, but also of other cognates in different European languages (pêche in French, peach in English and pesca in Italian).

A medium sized peach weights 75 g and contains, on average, 30 Cal, 7 g of carbohydrates (6 g of sugar and 1 g of fibers), 1 g of proteins, 140 mg of potassium and 8% of the vitamin C´s daily value.

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